How to Change Jobs Within the Engineering Industry

When you work in the engineering industry, there are many different career paths that you can explore. As there’s such an interesting range of engineering jobs and sectors to choose from, there’s no need to stay stuck in a role that no longer inspires or fulfils you.

Engineering is a highly diverse field in terms of the type of work available, so the careers on offer to graduates are varied. From Civil Engineers focusing on infrastructure to Electrical Engineers developing equipment, there’s no shortage of possibilities when it comes to engineering industry roles.

Popular engineering fields are:

  • Civil engineering
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Structural engineering
  • Electrical engineering
  • Aerospace engineering

As you can see, there are abundant opportunities for Engineers who are looking for a new challenge. The key is to find the specialty that best suits your experience, your skills and your personality, as well as one that offers the progression opportunities that you’re seeking.

So, if you’re thinking about moving into a different engineering job, then the following advice will guide you in the right direction.

Think About Where You Want Your Career to Go

Before you start taking steps to find a new position, it’s important to reflect on your career goals and aspirations. Consider the type of role you want and what direction you would like to take it in.

Ask yourself questions such as ‘What did I enjoy doing in my last job?’ and ‘What challenges might I enjoy in my future role?’

Asking questions allows you to gain clarity on what path your career should go down. When you do this, you’ll find that certain job descriptions that you come across will make more sense than others as aspects of them will stand out.

When you truly understand what’s important to you, then you’ll be able to tailor your search around this. For example, some engineering job titles, such as Mechanical Engineer and Civil Engineer, are much more lucrative professions than others, whereas other specialties offer greater freedoms and flexibility.

Research the Field You’re Aiming For

If you’re planning to move into an entirely different area of engineering, then you’ll want to do ample research first. Investigate online and make sure you get a true sense of how those who are already working in the field feel about it.

Connecting with specialist recruitment agencies is an effective way to learn more while also making useful connections. Looking at recruitment agency listings will also help you to understand the average salary for different engineering jobs in Australia.

Additionally, it’s a good idea to start looking at job adverts so you can understand what the various roles entail. This can give you a better idea as to which jobs you might want to apply to and will also lay the groundwork for the next step.

Update Your CV

After you have decided on which specialism you want to transition into, it’s important to update your CV. If you’ve been in the same company for a long time, then you likely won’t have looked at your CV for a while.

Refresh your resume with the highlights and achievements from your current position and be specific to the role you’re applying for. From the information you absorbed from checking out job adverts, you’ll already have a good idea of what to tailor your engineering CV towards.

Start Networking

Networking is a great way to learn more about your desired field and also to find interesting opportunities that you might not otherwise come across.

When you start to connect with a wide selection of people in the engineering industry, you’ll build relationships that can support your career ambitions. For example, someone in your network might refer you for a job at the company they work at or share other relevant vacancies with you. LinkedIn is a great place for engineering professionals to network, so make sure you set up your profile and use it strategically.

Attending professional virtual meetups related to the field you want to get into is also a good idea. At the end of the day, you want to build connections with industry leaders to enhance your own professional reputation ⁠— and there are endless possibilities for doing this online.

Get Prepared for the Interview Process

Once you’ve identified potential employers and started sending applications, you’ll want to start preparing for the interview process. All employers will want to ask you questions about your work history, your unique experience and why they should choose you for the role.

Companies that are filling engineering-related roles will often want to know if you have the necessary technical skills and experience to do the job. Being prepared to answer these questions in an honest, confident manner will help you impress prospective employers.

Additionally, being able to expertly talk about previous projects can show companies that you’re a reliable, impactful professional and should be considered for the role over other candidates.

Your Next Step in Engineering

Making a career change can be scary, especially if you’ve been comfortable in your current role for a long time. With our vast reach, knowledge and expertise in the engineering industry, you can trust us to guide you through this process.

We’ll connect you with the most appropriate vacancies depending on the route you wish to take and ensure your application process is smooth. So contact us today to talk about your next engineering job.

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